It's A Lot Simpler If You Know WHY You're Turning Up

“The very first condition of lasting happiness is that a life should be full of purpose, aiming at something outside self.” 

– Hugh Black

“You’re the reason why we get up in the morning.” - that’s how the groom summarised his gratitude and appreciation for all that had attended the wedding. 

This past weekend I attended my brother (from another mother)’s wedding in Boston. 

I made the trip over from London. 

The wedding was a blast. 

Great reception, good food, fun people - happy I made the trip over. 

The wedding speech was excellent too. 

My friend made everyone laugh and he had crafted it to really liven up the crowd and get the celebration going. 

One part of the speech really stuck with me. 

He mentioned how him and the bride were so thankful for all those people present. 

That we were the reason they turn up, day in, day out. 

That we help keep that drive alive and well despite the grind and hardships that come up in their day-to-day lives. 

And that really resonated with me. 

Because gratitude is a real thing

A lot of the time we internally suffer because we are focused on ourselves. 

When really the easiest path in life is finding your WHY. 

And everyone talks about that all elusive why. 

Which got me thinking.. does it have to be that complicated? What if it were simpler and we were just making it harder that it actually is?

In many cases those that feel that they don’t technically have a why feel like they are not enough.

But you get to choose your why. 

So why could your why not simply be any person in your life that you appreciate being in your life?

From family and friends, to your favorite coworker, or that barista with a smile who serves you that first cup of coffee on your way to work every morning.

Simon Sinek says: “Knowing your WHY gives you a filter to make choices, at work and at home, that will help you find greater fulfilment in all that you do."

It’s as simple as that. 

Why not use your people as your source of motivation?

And if the focus becomes turning up for those people then the pressure is taken off you. 

You can relax a little more knowing that it’s not about you. 

It’s about stepping up and turning up for those people that depend on you. 

Acknowledging that the more of a leader you are, the more you grow, the more you own who you are, the more all of your people will directly benefit from that. 

You will be able to support your people at a higher level. 

And that makes it a hell of a lot easier to get by and just get on with your life. 

Stop making it all about you. 

Look outwards to those that need you to step into your power. 

Those that will benefit from you being influential in your space. 

That should be the focus. 

Be grateful for those people around you and serve them by turning up powerfully.